It’s Been a While!

Happy New Year! There’s an episode of Curb your Enthusiasm where Larry discusses how long after the 1st January you can wish someone Happy New Year, and it be appropriate. Apparently, anything after three days is poor form. So I dread to think what sort of face he’d pull when I do it almost fourContinueContinue reading “It’s Been a While!”

Being a part of the Gig Economy

This little piggy got an Uber Money, specifically the lack of it is a worry most of us will have at some point. When you’ve been made redundant, it’s somehow amplified. An hour doesn’t go by without imagining the vision of your bank balance, slowly counting down, knowing that at the end of the month,ContinueContinue reading “Being a part of the Gig Economy”

Be a lighthouse; share your story

Job hunting is something that you tend to do on your own, something you do solo.  After a while, always staring at the same old websites, continually waiting to hear back from job applications you made a week ago, it gets easy to assume that you’re in this boat on your own and that noContinueContinue reading “Be a lighthouse; share your story”